Skippers and crew working on the 2,022 registered fishing vessels in Ireland can now access an interactive digital fisheries chart which provides guidance on a vast number of conservation and fisheries management regulations designed to help fishermen understand the rules that apply and support sustainability in sea fisheries.
The chart, developed by BIM in partnership with the Marine Institute and the Sea Fisheries Protection Agency (SFPA) and funded under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund provides guidance on European and national regulations concerning closed areas, mesh size and restrictions on the use of certain fishing gears.
The online version of the fisheries management chart can be accessed at . The print format of the Fisheries Management Chart produced annually, will continue to be distributed and is available to download - 2020 Fisheries Management Chart (pdf 7,426Kb)
L-R: Niall Connolly, MFV Patrick C and Val Reilly using the fisheries management chart online