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OOW Summit 2018

The Our Ocean Wealth Summit forms a key part of the Government’s integrated marine plan - Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth. Investing in Marine Ireland highlighted the immense opportunities that our marine sector offers companies and organisations.

This event was held in asscoiation with:


The 2018 Our Ocean Wealth Summit e reflected a strong collaboration between Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), Bord Bia, Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland, Fáilte Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI) and the Marine Institute with individual sessions addressing environmental, economic and societal opportunities and challenges to creating a sustainable ocean economy for Ireland. The programme for this event can be viewed here.

The key note speaker for the 2018 Summit was Mary Robinson, the 7th President of Ireland and the first female to hold this office. Other key speakers included Kathryn Sullivan, former NASA astronaut, who was appointed by US President Barack Obama as Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association Administrator (NOAA). A full list of speakers and a number of presentations from the 2018 Our Ocean Wealth Summit is available here.

A major part of the two day programme was a Trade Show for marine companies and organisations. The Marine Ireland Trade Show took place in a purpose-built marquee at Galway Docks on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th June, to coincide Our Ocean Wealth Summit. The Marine Ireland Trade Show provided a unique opportunity for companies from across the marine economy to showcase their products.