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News & Events Archive

Thu, 12/03/2020 - 09:02
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, T.D., presented the Sea Fisheries Sustainability Impact Assessment to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture and the M
Fri, 11/27/2020 - 16:55
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D, today attended a virtual meeting with EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier in relation to the
Fri, 11/27/2020 - 12:34
Call to Stakeholders to ACT NOW to prepare for end of Brexit Transition Phase
Fri, 11/27/2020 - 09:17
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D., on 26 November chaired a meeting of the Sea Fisheries Liaison Group of Fisheries Stakeholders
Wed, 11/18/2020 - 09:45
The Marine Institute is pleased to announce funding of €700,000 for seven new Cullen PhD Scholarships to run over the next four years.
Thu, 11/05/2020 - 15:18
Increasing the value and sustainability of aquaculture will be the focus of ASTRAL, a new EU funded research project, that involves the Marine Institute and partners across the Atlantic.
Fri, 10/30/2020 - 14:44
The European Commission roadmap on a new approach for a sustainable blue economy in the EU is open for feedback until 07 December 2020. 
Wed, 10/28/2020 - 15:37
To address the challenge towards achieving a national baseline of intertidal seaweed resource distribution in Ireland, the Marine Institute and 
Tue, 10/27/2020 - 14:37
Ten start-ups from backgrounds including tech and AI took part in this year’s Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) Aquaculture Workshop.
Fri, 10/23/2020 - 11:39
The Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D., today announced a third tranche in 2020 of grant awards worth €558,039 to 33 local community groups and micro enterprises